"The beginning of my blog journey and where I am at the moment."
Hi there! I'm Wallace, a cellist and multi-instrumentalist who specialises in playing traditional music from Ireland and Scotland, as well as a variety of fiddle repertoire from elsewhere in the world.
I'll refrain from a full-blown bio', as you might be wondering about this post's title, and the picture up there. I decided that, since this is the beginning of my blog journey, I'd like to start from where I am now - the space in between studying and entering the fray of employment full-time. For many traditional musicians, this time probably barely existed, with the opportunity to follow on from projects and band work begun during their studies to open their door into the world of full-time professional music work.
However, thanks to the Coronavirus Crisis, it is compulsory for me to spend time in this space between worlds while I learn the necessary skills to produce online content and services and prepare for what opportunities await after the pandemic is under control.
As a result of this, while I sit at home without much to do but practice and dabble with picking up a few digital skills, I feel as though I am in this sort of temporal 'clearing'. I am, despite everything (infection risks, weekly income losses), in a calm, sheltered, and safe space.
With August around the corner, it is about time I make full use of this privilege. My goal is to upload weekly cello recordings to document my practice and interpretation of trad' repertoire. This blog will serve as a canvas for my thoughts on these recordings as well as the other musical happenings in my life that may influence them.
I'm going to wrap up 'Post #0' here. I'm looking forward to seeing what form this site takes in my pursuits!